
Core aeration will not only make your turf healthier and more enjoyable, the process will save you money by reducing your maintenance needs.

Professional lawn aeration results in the following benefits:

  • Increased oxygen deeper in the soil where grass roots reside.

  • Promoted soil water uptake and reduced water runoff and pooling.

  • Improved fertilizer uptake and less wasted product.

  • Reduced soil compaction allowing for stronger turfgrass roots and more turfgrass growth.

  • Enhanced turf resiliency and cushioning under each step.

  • Promoted thatch breakdown through organic microbial decomposition.

Nulawn Organics recommends yearly spring aeration for a healthier lawn.


Over-seeding is adding seed to an already established lawn. Over-seeding can fill in thin or sparse areas left by drought, fungus or insect damage.

It will also make a healthy lawn more lush and beautiful. Old grass dies, and new grass takes its place. There is a natural decrease in the reproduction of turf over time and over-seeding can revitalize an older and thinner lawn. New grass seedlings are naturally more resistant to disease and insects. Also, a thick lawn doesn't leave room for weeds to move in.

Nulawn Organics has 2 over-seeding package blends. After inspection of your lawn, we will determine which grass variety will do best depending on sun/shade, usage, pets and overall quality of the lawn.

Compost Topdressing for lawns

Organic topdressing consists of a mixture of topsoil and compost derived from leaf and yard trimmings. Topdressing a lawn will significantly increase the soils ability to
hold water and nutrients, which aids in drought tolerance, water efficiency, and helps to maximize nutrient availability for grass and plants. It also raises the organic matter and promotes beneficial microorganisms in the soil that help break down thatch and grass trimmings and protect grass and plants from disease and grubs. Because of the root stimulation and the abundant access to moisture and nutrients, the ultimate result of topdressing will be a thicker healthier lawn. Top Dressing is recommended with a double aeration and over-seeding package.


Soil Conditioner

Humate All-Natural Organic Soil Conditioner is the most consistent and highest quality granular humic acid product on the market.

  • Unlocks soil nutrients

  • Improves effect of fertilizers

  • Enhances root development

  • Improves soil structure

  • Enhances seed germination & survival

  • Improves resistance to stress

  • Promotes thatch decomposition

  • Achieves environmentally beneficial results

  • Humate All Natural Organic Soil Conditioner will significantly improve poor soils when used in combination with our balanced fertilization program